Matching Gifts Program
Some companies encourage their employees to donate to tax exempt nonprofit charities by offering to match, or sometimes double, the donation of an employee. You will be rewarded more by your donations to SHAFFE through your company’s matching gift program.
How to find out if your company offers a matching gift program?
The program application is usually available on the company’s web site. It can also be obtained from the appropriate Human Resources or matching gift department. You only need to complete the donor section of the form and mail it with your donation to SHAFFE. SHAFFE will complete its required section and return the form to the corporation, along with the required legal documents and any acknowledgement receipt.
The Quran commands:
Sadqa is one of the highest forms of virtue and it will be returned to us in hereafter grown many times when we will desperately need it. One often fears but never becomes poor by giving Sadqa.
Sadqa is highest form of repentance and it erases sins from our record of life.
Sadqa earns the Love, Pleasures and Blessings of Allah-SWT for us.
Sadqa protects us from calamities and accidents.
Most humbly I request you to join us in this “Sadqa-e-Jaria” or “perpetual charity” and trust us with your Zakah and Sadqat or donations. Imam Ibrahim Hamdani